Agenda review: Truckee Town Council, Placer, Nevada County Supervisors and more

TRUCKEE, Calif. – The Truckee Town Council will meet on Tuesday, October 8 at 5 p.m. at 10183 Truckee Airport Road.
View in person at 10183 Truckee Airport Road or remotely via
5.1 Small Business Big Applause.
5.2 Breast Cancer Awareness Month Proclamation.
5.3 Truckee River Day Proclamation.
5.4 Introduction of CivicSpark Fellows.
5.5 Town Manager Report.
7. Discussion Items
7.1 Animal Sheltering Agreement with Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe (HSTT). Recommended Action: The Council authorizes the Town Manager to amend the current contract for immediate operational needs and direct staff to continue work with HSTT to finalize and execute the new Animal Shelter contract by June 30th, 2025.
7.2 Non-Town Maintained Road Snow Removal Reimbursement Policy. Recommended Action: That Council direct staff to develop a Non-Town Maintained Road Snow Removal Reimbursement Policy as outlined in this Staff Report.
7.3 River Revitalization Steering Committee (R2SC) Update and Catalyst Project Request for Interest (RFI). Recommended Action: That Council receive an update from staff and River Revitalization Steering Committee regarding the progress of the River Revitalization project and direct staff to proceed with developing a Request for Interest (RFI) to solicit property owner interest in participating in catalyst projects within the River Revitalization project area.
7.4 Bed & Breakfast (Hosted Rental) Policy Discussion. Recommended Action: That Council provides direction to staff regarding Bed & Breakfast (B&B) or Hosted Rental policy and regulation.
See the full agenda here.
Placer County Supervisors
The Placer County Board of Supervisors will be meeting on Tuesday, October 8 at 9 a.m.
The meeting can be viewed in person at County Administrative Center, 175 Fulweiler Avenue, Auburn or remotely at
9:30 a.m.
- Placer County Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2023-24 Annual Report, Bylaws Update, and Name Change
- Receive a presentation on the FY 2023-24 annual report of activities of the Placer County Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board, and the status of the mental health and substance abuse treatment programs in Placer County.
- Adopt a Resolution to:
- Approve the amendment to the Placer County Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board Bylaws.
- Change the name of the Mental Health, Alcohol and Drug Advisory Board to the Placer County Behavioral Health Advisory Board.
- Rescind Resolution 2003-066
- Proposition 5
- Adopt a Resolution opposing Proposition 5 – “Allows Local Bonds for Affordable Housing and Public Infrastructure with 55% Voter Approval”, appearing on the November 5, 2024 statewide ballot.
- Adopt a Resolution opposing Proposition 33 – “Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property. Initiative Statute”, appearing on the November 5, 2024 statewide ballot.
- Approve a FY 2024-25 Budget Amendment AM-01058 to transfer the existing budget authority for CC19006 in the amount of $600,000 to CC19207 for the North Lake Tahoe Parking Management Program.
- Approve a contract amendment to Contract No. SCN106576-2 with Dixon Resources Unlimited for parking management consultant services in the amount of $74,153 for a revised contract amount not to exceed $198,353 through December 31, 2025.
- Authorize the Purchasing Manager to execute the contract amendment and any subsequent contract amendments up to $19,835 consistent with the Placer County Procurement Policy, subject to Risk Management and County Counsel concurrence.
- Determine the proposed actions are not projects pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378.
See the full agenda here.
Nevada County Supervisors
The Nevada County Supervisors will be holding a meeting on Tuesday, October 8 starting at 8:30 a.m.
The meeting can be viewed in person at 10183 Truckee Airport Road, Truckee, California or remotely at and
19. Resolution designating the Donner Cross, located in front of 12047 Donner Pass Road, Truckee, CA 96161, as Nevada County Historical Landmark NEV 24-07.
Department Matters
21a. Resolution accepting the Amended Joint Powers Agreement for the provision of a New Library Facility in the Truckee Area, effective upon execution of all parties, authorizing the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to execute the Amended Joint Powers Agreement, authorizing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to execute and file requisite statutory notice with the Secretary of State, the State Controller’s Office, and/or the Local Agency Formation Commission in accordance with Government Code sections 6503.5 and 6503.6 as needed, and authorizing the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to submit any associated filing fees.
21b. Resolution to approve the transfer of funds in the amount of $150,000 from the Nevada County Library to the Truckee Library Joint Powers Authority in support of the activities related to securing the financing for the construction and maintenance of the new Truckee Regional Library, and direct the Auditor-Controller to amend the fiscal year 2024/25 Library budget. (4/5 Affirmative vote required)
23. Public hearing to consider the appeal filed by Donald B. Mooney on behalf of Friends of Prosser Truckee regarding the Planning Commission’s decision to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and to approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow for the construction and operation of a mixed-use development including a forestry management and material processing facility supported by a wood fired boiler and associated structures (facility), and six residential dwelling units for State-Regulated Employee Housing in three duplexes located on an approximately 124-acre subject property at 10375 Silverado Way in Truckee, California. (APN 016-530- 031) (PLN23-0054, CUP23-0004, EIS24-0004)
Resolution to deny the appeal and uphold with modifications the decision of the Planning Commission to adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration (EIS24-0004) and to approve the Conditional Use Permit (CUP23-0004) to allow for the construction and operation of a mixed-use development including a forestry management and material processing facility supported by a wood fired boiler and associated structures (facility), and six residential dwelling units for State-Regulated Employee Housing in three duplexes located on an approximately 124-acre subject property at 10375 Silverado Way in Truckee, California.
See the full agenda here.
North Tahoe Public Utility District
North Tahoe Public Utility District will be holding a special meeting on Thursday, October 8 at 2 p.m. The meeting can be viewed in person at 8318 North Lake Boulevard, Kings Beach.
1. Harassment Avoidance Training For Board and Staff (AB1661) – Laura Fowler of the Best Best & Krieger, LLC – Time Certain Two Hour Training
2. Review, Discuss, and Possibly Approve Changes to the Chief Financial Officer Reporting Structure Including a Revised Job Description and Wage Range, Adopt Ordinance No. 399 – Regarding Officers, and Adopt Resolution 2024-28 – Adopting an Amended Publicly Available Pay Schedule for Management Employees
3. Discuss and Possibly Authorize the General Manger to Sign an Advocacy Letter from Regional Transportation Partner Agencies to the Truckee Tahoe Airport District’s Board of Directors in Support of Funding for Transportation Alternatives
See the full agenda here.
Truckee Tahoe Airport District
The Truckee Tahoe Airport District is meeting Thursday, October 10 at 10 a.m. The meeting can be viewed in person at 10356 Truckee Airport Road, Truckee, CA 96161, and via live web streaming:‐meeting/truckee‐tahoe‐airport/.
10 a.m. – 12 p.m. 1. Budget Workshop – CY 2025 DRAFT BUDGET #2
See the full agenda here.
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