Board awards nearly $1 million in TOT funding for winter shuttle service and enhanced transit in North Lake Tahoe

Submitted to the Sun

AUBURN, Calif. – Working to alleviate traffic congestion and ensure residents and visitors have reliable access to numerous transit options in North Lake Tahoe this winter, the Placer County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday approved additional resources for two transportation initiatives.

First, the board authorized the use of $230,782 from transient occupancy tax funds to expand Tahoe Truckee Area Regional Transit park and ride programs at three ski resorts.

The enhanced service will create additional shuttles for Palisades Tahoe and an additional weekend of service for Northstar California Resort. It will also add new shuttles between Truckee and Donner Summit to serve Sugar Bowl Resort.

The application for this service was solicited, vetted, and recommended through the North Tahoe Community Alliance Board of Directors and the TOT Advisory Committee through the TOT-TBID Dollars At Work program. By long-standing county policy, all TOT revenue collected in eastern Placer County is reinvested locally to benefit eastern Placer County. 

The shuttle service was one of 23 projects submitted to the TOT-TBID Dollars at Work program for funding in the 2024-25 annual grant cycle. But because funding was requested for this service to begin operations before the winter holidays it was voted on by the TOT Committee ahead of its November meeting. The NTCA Board of Directors supported this recommendation at its Nov. 6 meeting and finalized its recommendations for the remaining projects at its Dec. 4 meeting. Those remaining projects will return to Placer County’s board for final consideration early in 2025.

“The one-year augmented service proposal submitted by our resort partners through the TNT-TMA was quickly acknowledged as an important addition to winter transit operations by both the TOT Committee and the NTCA Board of Directors,” said Deputy County Executive Officer Stephanie Holloway. “With our board’s approval this week, we are excited to be able to increase transit service for both residents and visitors to our region this winter and provide a better travel experience to popular designations.”

The board also authorized the director of Public Works to use TOT funds to contract with My Ride to Work LLC to begin extended winter commute services in North Lake Tahoe. The contract, which has a not-to-exceed limit of  $707,821, will run from Dec. 4 through April 7, 2025, and will supplement existing TART fixed-route bus services. This funding was already budgeted for transit services through the Tahoe Economic and Community Enhancement fund and is being redirected to this service to better meet commuter needs.

“The county operates a base level of service with peak-season demands requiring additional resources to accommodate the peak ridership demands within the region,” said Public Works Manager Jaime Wright. “This new service will operate along the three major highways with the goal of providing service to commuters, residents, and visitors each morning and evening.”

To learn more about TOT-TBID Dollars at Work, visit

To learn more about TART operations, visit

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