By the numbers: Nevada County preps to examine 2020-21 audit

Alan Riquelmy / The Union

Nevada County has two different audits it’s currently dealing with.

On Tuesday, the Board of Supervisors approved a $91,300 payment for the fiscal year 2021-22 audit, a work still in progress. At its next meeting, on Aug. 9, supervisors are expected to accept reports on its fiscal year 2020-21 audit.

It takes some six to nine months to complete an audit, meaning reports for the fiscal year that ended June 30 won’t be available until next year, said Martin Polt, the county’s chief fiscal officer.

“Any large, government agency would want to have their records reviewed under accounting standards,” said Auditor-Controller Marcia Salter.

The county has an audit performed each year. The fiscal year 2020-21 budget, once finalized, showed revenues of 281,041,702, and expenditures of 259,778,995.

“Everything is accounted for in our annual audit,” Chairwoman Sue Hoek said in a statement. “We have our budget process, and then we show how it’s spent in the audit.”

A comprehensive financial report for 2020-21 states that, “In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities …”

Polt called the comments “positive,” saying the county has a rigorous process. Reviews are completed by departments like a purchasing agent, CEO’s office and auditor-controller, depending on the item.

“They are reviewed by numerous entities,” he added.

Alan Riquelmy is the managing editor of The Union. He can be reached at or 530-477-4249

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