Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe launches partnership with Docupet

Submitted to the Sun

TRUCKEE, Calif. — Licensing dogs is now easier, modernized, and more valuable for residents as the Humane Society of Truckee-Tahoe (HSTT) launches its partnership with DocuPet, a world-leading pet profile and lost pet licensing platform. 

Through pet licensing and their complimentary HomeSafe® 24/7 lost pet service, DocuPet offers residents an effective pet identification and reunification program that keeps pets out of shelters and returns them home safely. Though pet licensing is mandatory for dogs in the Town of Truckee, many local pet owners do not license their pets regularly. With the announcement of this new partnership, DocuPet and HSTT hope to attract community pet owners to the program.

Residents can browse hundreds of colorful and unique designer tag styles online or design their own tags with an easy-to-use customization tool. Every DocuPet tag is equipped with the free HomeSafe® 24/7 lost pet service and may double as a pet’s official license. DocuPet tags are assigned a unique code on the back, which links directly to a pet’s secure online profile, making it easy for anyone who finds a lost pet to reference the code and create a “Found Pet Report” in seconds. Pet owners can also create “Lost Pet Reports” as soon as they realize their pet has gone missing. In addition, DocuPet’s dedicated dispatch staff is available 24/7 to reunite lost pets with their families around the clock.

“We are excited about our partnership with DocuPet as their online licensing solution will be extremely valuable to pet owners and necessary for animal safety and within the community,” said Stephanie Nistler, chief executive officer. “This pet licensing partnership will help to reduce the number of animals in our shelter and open space and vital resources for pets that truly need our care. We are excited for residents to utilize this program to help protect their pets and all pets in the community.”

With a mission to provide a safe and happy home for every pet, DocuPet’s innovative platform will supply significant resources to HSTT, allowing it to operate efficiently and deliver critical animal services. “We are very proud to kick off this effective program to increase pet identification and reunification services for all residents,” said Grant Goodwin, DocuPet’s CEO. “Pets wearing DocuPet tags spend little to no time in the shelter versus unlicensed pets, and for those pets that do need support and care, license fees help keep the shelter running. We thank HSTT for coming on board to be an impactful part of the solution.”

All dogs in the Town of Truckee must be licensed and vaccinated against rabies. Pet owners can learn more and register pet licenses online at Licensing by mail, phone, or in person is also available.

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