Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor:

It was exciting to see the Homewood Mountain Resort developers say “Homewood will always be public.” 

So exciting, in fact, that we were inspired to build the enforceable specifics into Homewood’s Master Plan amendment and community access plan that could truly make Homewood public “forever.”

We drilled down on:

  • who exactly are “local residents,” “visitors,” and “members”;
  • how recreational access can be guaranteed for local residents and visitors “forever;”
  • what it means to run the ski hill “like any other Tahoe ski resort”;
  • how TRPA – and our community – can monitor whether public access is happening; and
  • what happens if you (developers) change your mind.

If the developers accept our edits, our work here is done.

If Homewood really means “public forever,” they can – and should – accept our edits, so we can get on with rebuilding Homewood. 

What do you think? Please let TRPA know.

Randy Boteler
on behalf of Keep Homewood Public LLC

Dear Editor:

Now that the race for Placer County Supervisor for District 5 has been determined, I want to thank the many community members that actively supported and dedicated time in spreading our message throughout the district. As a result of those efforts I received over 19,000 votes (nearly 46%) from voters who were seeking more accountability and transparency in how we as a county move forward. This election has shown that a significant number of voters want a direction that truly reflects the best interests of our communities and the values of this county.

To those that voted for me, I am humbled and honored for the trust you had placed in me. I am grateful and blessed by the opportunity over the last year to meet and spend time with many amazing people from all parts of the district and county. Through this election, we have started a conversation about what our county needs and the future we want to build.

I would like to share a quote that I believe highlights the value of a competitive race:

“Our democracy is strongest when candidates and elected officials focus on winning people over with merits of their ideas, not just by relying on the support of those who already agree with them. Politicians should compete for public support by presenting their platforms and persuading more voters. This builds broader coalitions and, ultimately, turns good ideas into good policy.”

I have spent over two decades giving back to this county that I love. I will continue to advocate for what’s best for our communities. This is a journey we’re all on together, and I am committed to ensuring our voices are heard, our concerns are addressed, and that progress is made.

Thank you again for your support, and I am excited to continue working with all of you to make Placer County an even better place to live.

Wayne Nader

Dear Editor:

My paraphrased comments to Placer County Commissioners on Village at Palisades Tahoe Specific Plan (12/10/24 meeting): I have concerns about allowing a fire exception for the proposed Palisades/Alterra proposal. The request is egregious to allow for over 2 miles on a dead-end road, which is over 100% increase over the allowable 1 mile (5280 ft) for such a parcel size.

In addition, the area and surrounding areas are rated as Very High for Wildfire Risk. As we are all getting dropped from our Fire Insurance carriers, it is irresponsible to allow this exception. Knowing the fire hazard designation will most likely continue for decades, the risk will be increased, not reduced with this project. With over 3300 estimated daily vehicle miles traveled with the proposed development it is reckless to approve this exception in today’s climate and with no mitigation on the transportation issue being addressed (ingress/egress on HWY 89/28).

Of grave importance to our Tahoe community is the fact that it will jeopardize the recently funded Lake Tahoe Restoration Act which just passed with unprecedented bilateral support in Congress (no small feat in today’s political environment) through 2034 to the tune of 300 million. The number one goal of the LTRA is to PREVENT WILDFIRE RISK, followed by PROTECTING BIODIVERSITY, and LAKE CLARITY. This regional approach from environmental agencies has made a positive impact on our beloved Lake Tahoe.

In South Tahoe, the removal of ill-planned developments in sensitive areas has already begun. Why would you undo the gains we all have been working for that benefit all who live and recreate here? Vote NO-choose PEOPLE over PROFITS! This is not a beneficial project for Tahoe residents & guests in terms of safety from wildfire, and adds major impacts such as greenhouse gas emissions, traffic and pollution (air, noise, light) to benefit a For-Profit entity on this application. The risk to people is too great with the entire reward going to the applicant for profit, the least desirable business model for any public/private partnership. OPPOSE!

Rosie Wolterbeek, SNS, MA
Tahoe City

Letters to the Editor

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