Placer County Board of Supervisors approves eight Tahoe projects

TAHOE CITY, Calif. – Eight capital improvement projects have received funding in eastern Placer County, based on the recommendation of the Capital Advisory Projects Committee.
At Tuesday’s meeting, the Placer County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the allocation of approximately $4.49 million in tourism occupancy tax dollars to help fund the eight projects for the 2022-23 fiscal year.
During this year’s grant cycle, the CAP Committee received 13 proposals requesting a total of $8.1 million. The committee determined three applications did not meet funding criteria and two others were supported by the committee but the authors were encouraged to seek other identified funding sources.
The CAP Committee had $7.2 million in available funding for project recommendations, including $5.5 million in TOT collected over the past fiscal year and $1.7 million in leftover funding from the previous grant cycle. The committee decided to reserve $2.7 million for future projects.
“I’m thankful for the CAP Committee’s thoughtful deliberations and commitment to the process in ensuring the right projects were selected in accordance with the region’s needs,” District 5 Supervisor Cindy Gustafson said. “There are many important needs in our area and I’m so thankful the committee reserved funds for future projects that could go to addressing critical housing and transportation issues.”
Projects funded in this grant cycle feature improvements to portions of the Resort Triangle Trail, including the Martis Valley Trail ($2 million), Flick Point II Trail ($70,000) and the North Tahoe Trail ($1.5 million). Additional dirt trails and amenities were also funded including Sawtooth Trail ($157,983), Donner Lake Rim Trail ($265,000) and Cabin Creek trailhead amenities ($91,694). Both North Tahoe Public Utilities District ($58,141) and Tahoe City Public Utilities District ($351,000) received funding to enhance community signage projects.
The CAP Committee is co-convened by Placer County and the North Tahoe Community Alliance, formerly known as the North Lake Tahoe Resort Association. The committee is tasked annually with making recommendations to the Placer County Board of Supervisors for grant awards to fund infrastructure and capital projects. The committee includes 13 appointed members representing eastern Placer County businesses, special districts, ski resorts, the North Lake Tahoe Resort Association and Placer County.
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