Tahoe Forest Health System introduces neonatal quality improvement resuscitation program

Tahoe Forest Health System has unveiled a new neonatal quality improvement resuscitation program to help its clinical providers elevate the delivery of newborn emergency care. The Joseph Family Center for Women and Newborn Care introduced RQI for Neonatal Resuscitation Program, a first-ever solution that is rooted in the Resuscitation Quality Improvement Program and focuses on the most important skill of neonatal resuscitation: positive pressure ventilation.

Last June, the American Academy of Pediatrics launched the 8th Edition of its internationally recognized Neonatal Resuscitation Program, developed in 1987 by the AAP and the American Heart Association. This edition of NRP also highlights a strategic alliance with RQI Partners, a partnership between and service provider for the American Heart Association and Laerdal Medical, to develop improved educational solutions for neonatal resuscitation training, with RQI for NRP being a focal point of this new relationship.

“We are excited to be one of the first systems in the U.S. to add RQI for NRP to our resuscitation education and training offerings, which complements our 2016 adoption of the legacy RQI program,” said Harry Weis, President and CEO of Tahoe Forest Health System. “Our system continues to stand at the forefront and embrace innovative training technologies. This novel, quality improvement program’s design affords frequency, accessibility and efficiency to master, maintain and verify competence in positive pressure ventilation — the single most, impactful intervention for newborns needing resuscitation. Our clinical providers will be better positioned to give our most precious patients the best chance of survival and ultimately improve patient care and outcomes.”

The Joseph Family Center for Women and Newborn Care has 45 clinicians enrolled in RQI for NRP. These learners receive course instruction on a neonatal simulator that is placed at the point of care for 24/7 availability, a key attribute of the RQI program. Co-developed by the American Heart Association and Laerdal Medical in 2015, RQI is a self-directed, simulation-based performance, mastery learning and quality improvement program for healthcare professionals that offers “low-dose, high-frequency” hands-on learning sessions through quarterly CPR skills practice coupled with real-time feedback, debriefing and analytics.

As one of the more than 1,000 hospitals nationwide and outside the country that currently use RQI to advance resuscitation education, the center’s healthcare professionals will also benefit from the program’s True Adaptive learning design. Leveraging artificial intelligence, courses offer personalized instruction tailored to and driven by individual needs, knowledge, actions and performance.

“People absorb and process information and learn differently,” Harry Weis, President and CEO of Tahoe Forest Health System, said. “RQI for NRP accommodates and adjusts to the varying degrees of resuscitation competence; its adaptive learning platform will maximize each healthcare professional’s learning potential, increase knowledge retention and place them on a unique path to establish a new standard in emergency care.”

The equipment for the new program was purchased by the Tahoe Forest Health System Foundation through the Annalise King Hall Fund.

For more information about RQI for NRP, visit Visit for information on Tahoe Forest Health System and the Joseph Family Center for Women and Newborn Care.

Source: Tahoe Forest Health System

Chris Arth, MD, TFHS Pediatrician, practicing with the neonatal simulator.
Provided photo

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