Tahoe/Truckee water levels hit sweet spot ahead of winter
LAKE TAHOE andamp;#8212; Following a near-record-breaking winter, water supplies in Northern California and Nevada have struck a balance between not enough and too much, according to regional water managers.andamp;#8220;Weandamp;#8217;re looking pretty good for both supply and having some room going into winter,andamp;#8221; said Chad Blanchard, chief deputy water master for the U.S. District Court Water Master.Lake Tahoe has come down 1.28 feet since it peaked Aug. 4. About four-fifths of the drop has come from evaporation, which has been bolstered by high winds this fall, Blanchard said.On Wednesday, Lake Tahoeandamp;#8217;s water level was four feet above the natural rim, leaving two feet of available storage capacity.Boca, Stampede and Prosser Creek reservoirs andamp;#8212; flood control reservoirs for the Truckee River andamp;#8212; are also each below required flood control capacities, Blanchard said.And given last winterandamp;#8217;s abundant snowfall, water supplies should be adequate for next summer even without a reprise, Blanchard said.The sentiment was echoed by Department of Water Resources Director Mark Cowin in a statement this week.andamp;#8220;We are off to a promising start for next yearandamp;#8217;s water supply,andamp;#8221; Cowin said. andamp;#8220;We are cautious not to be overly optimistic, but last winterandamp;#8217;s near-record snowpack and rainfall promises that even average precipitation this winter should give us adequate supplies for our farms, cities and businesses.andamp;#8221;With another La Nia predicted into 2012, there has been plenty of talk about another big winter.La Nia is associated with cooler-than-normal water temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean and portends cooler, wetter weather in the northern U.S. and a warmer, drier south. Lake Tahoeandamp;#8217;s central latitude makes predicting the local effects of the phenomenon problematic.andamp;#8220;This seasonal outlook does not project where and when snowstorms may hit or provide total seasonal snowfall accumulations,andamp;#8221; according to NOAA. andamp;#8220;Snow forecasts are dependent upon winter storms, which are generally not predictable more than a week in advance.andamp;#8221;A less predictable Arctic Oscillation is a andamp;#8220;wild cardandamp;#8221; in the mix and could produce dramatic short-term swings in temperatures, according to the federal agency.Blanchard said he initially expected more precipitation by this time in the year because of La Nia. The fact that the lake has not risen yet is andamp;#8220;unusual,andamp;#8221; he added.But only time will tell what the winter holds in store.andamp;#8220;Obviously it has been dry, but we have the whole winter yet to go,andamp;#8221; Blanchard said. andamp;#8220;Our biggest months are yet to come.andamp;#8221;
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