Town of Truckee releases Request for Interest for River Revitalization Catalyst Projects

Submitted to the Sun
    • Application Deadline 12/20/2024
    • Screening by Community Economic Vitality Action Team 1/6/2025
    • Subcommittee Interviews 1/8 - 1/15/2025
    • Action Team Recommendation 1/16/2025
    • Town Council Formal Approval 1/28/2025

TRUCKEE, Calif. – The Town of Truckee’s River Revitalization Steering Committee (R2SC) is hitting a major milestone. For the first time since its launch in 2023, the committee is calling for applications from interested property owners who want to redevelop and revitalize their property.

This new initiative is aimed at developing three catalyst sites along East and West River Street, including River Park Place. The goal is for these three sites to serve as pilot projects that will become model redevelopment ventures forging the way so that other Truckee River corridor property owners can possibly follow suit.

“The release of this Request for Interest (RFI) marks a significant milestone in our river revitalization efforts,” said Joan Jones, R2SC chair. “Members of the committee along with an economic consultant have put in a lot of time talking with property owners to assess their goals and interests. We’re now moving from having an understanding of what might be possible to pinning down partners who are interested in creating a plan to transform their Truckee River corridor properties.”

The RFI process has been intentionally designed to be straightforward and accessible. Property owners must complete and submit a simple Catalyst Project Interest Form – no site plans, architectural renderings, or detailed project concepts are required. The Town emphasizes that even property owners without a specific vision are encouraged to apply.

The Truckee Town Council established the R2SC as a specific action of the General Plan 2040 with a goal of coming up with a blueprint to restore, revive and reimagine this integral part of the community.  The steering committee is hoping this collaborative approach will help interested property owners explore new land uses. To be eligible, the parcels must currently be used as commercial, mixed use, industrial, manufacturing, vacant properties, uninhabitable residential properties or other uses such as outdoor storage yards. Additionally, multiple adjoining properties with aligned interests are welcome to submit a joint application.

“We understand a project may consist of multiple properties and perhaps multiple property owners. All ideas and collaborations are welcome,” said Jones. “Together, we will develop property and project-specific revitalization plans.”

The Town is looking for catalyst projects that will be achievable in the short-term future, ideally within one to five years. The Town is offering several initiatives to help expedite the process, including:

  • No Cost Involvement: The projects will include Town staff and Town-hired design and economic consultant time at no cost to property owners. 
  • Collaborative Innovation: The Town’s goal is to foster high-level collaboration and innovation. 
  • Tailored Plans: The Town and the River Revitalization Steering Committee (R2SC) will work closely with each selected property owner toward developing a focused revitalization plan.  
  • Identifying Barriers: Together, The Town and applicants will identify barriers to implementation, brainstorm opportunities and strategize potential solutions to overcome them.  

The R2SC expects each potential project to have different barriers to address, different needs and different solutions. Consequently, the deliverables that each selected property owner comes away with will be customized to their specific needs, identified obstacles, solutions and vision.

To fill out an application or learn more about the selection process and criteria visit A direct link to the application can be found on the Town of Truckee’s website (

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