Truckee Fire urges residents, visitors to heed life saving winter safety measures

Submitted to the Sun

TRUCKEE, Calif. – As the winter season sets in, the Truckee Fire Protection District (TFPD) is calling on all residents to undertake proactive measures to ensure that everyone they know stays safe. Winter brings increased challenges at home, while recreating outdoors and while out on the roads – from snow-related hazards to fire risks. It’s important to understand aspects of mountain living that pose dangers from thin ice conditions on area lakes to propane tanks that need to be shoveled or snow shedding off roofs which can harm anyone below.  Locals can help spread the word to visitors including those renting neighborhood homes so that everyone fully understands and can guard against wintertime hazards and risks.

“We hope we don’t get called to your home or where you work this winter. That’s always the goal,” said Truckee Fire Chief Kevin McKechnie. “By following a few simple precautions, we can prevent accidents, protect our loved ones and make the coming winter season safe for everyone.”

The Truckee Fire Protection District has identified the following key safety measures to help residents and visitors stay safe:

Fire and Heating Safety:

  1. Maintain Chimneys and Flues
    • Before using any fireplace or wood stove, ensure chimneys and flues are clean and functional to prevent chimney fires.
  2. Dispose of Ashes Properly
    • Store ashes in a metal container and keep them away from decks or flammable materials. Never dispose of ashes in trash cans, bear bins, or dumpsters – even if they seem cold. Each year, Truckee Fire responds to deck fire incidents caused by improper ash disposal.
  3. Check Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors
    • Test alarms monthly and replace batteries as needed. These devices are critical to preventing tragedies which tend to happen during the colder, winter months.
  4. Keep Propane Tanks and Gas Meters Clear of Snow
    • Homes in the Truckee area rely on a number of ways to stay warm, including wood stoves, gas heating systems or heat pumps. Some older homes however still utilize baseboard electric heating or propane to run their furnace. It’s critical to keep propane tanks and gas meters clear of snow and ice – not only for refilling access but also to prevent snow weight from damaging supply lines and to ensure emergency access in case of leaks. Local incidents have occurred where heavy snow loads have broken propane piping between tanks and homes, creating dangerous situations.

Holiday and Winter Activities:

  1. Water Christmas Trees Regularly
    • A dry tree is highly flammable. Keep Christmas trees hydrated and away from heat sources.
  2. Stay Safe During Sledding and Outdoor Play
    • Monitor children playing outside and ensure sledding is done in safe areas, away from any road where vehicles or snow removal equipment travel.  Do not allow children to build and play in snow caves in the berm at the edge of your property that’s adjacent to the street.

Snow-Related Hazards:

  1. Beware of Roof Snow Shedding
    • Heavy snow and ice can slide off roofs without warning, especially homes with metal roofing. Avoid areas under roofs where snow sheds and teach children to always stay out of harm’s way.
  2. Avoid Dangerous Ice Activities
    • Local lakes are not suitable for ice skating, cross country skiing or snowmobiling, particularly as temperatures fluctuate in the spring. Thin ice can pose life-threatening risks.

Truckee Fire urges all residents and visitors to prioritize safety and to share these tips with neighbors.

For more information on Truckee Fire, please visit

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