Bridge installed connecting West River to Truckee Springs
On Friday, May 17, a new pedestrian bridge was installed, connecting West River to Truckee Springs.
The new bridge was made possible through the collaborative efforts of the Truckee Donner Land Trust and the Town of Truckee. The Land Trust fundraised for the bridge as part of their campaign to acquire Truckee Springs, while the Town of Truckee contributed funding and managed the construction. This bridge not only connects to Truckee Springs but also to a new section of the Truckee River Legacy Trail that traverses the area.
Funding for the project was provided by the California Natural Resources Board, California Wildlife Conservation Board, Town of Truckee, Truckee Tahoe Airport, Vail EpicPromise, Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation, the Manitou Fund, Our Truckee River Legacy Foundation, the Martis Camp Foundation, and private donors.
“We are thrilled to see the bridge connected across the Truckee River, bringing us one step closer to our vision of connecting the community with the Truckee River and open space right in the heart of downtown,” John Svahn, Executive Director for the Land Trust, said. “We look forward to the completion of construction when everyone can get out and enjoy this beautiful land and the access it affords.”
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